Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 5 - Our Gotcha Day!

We got to bring Manny home (well to the hotel) this afternoon!! We went to pick him up at the foster home and he was so excited to show us his suitcase and everything until he realized he really did have to leave Mr. Tong. He gave him this great big hug and didn't want to let go. Honestly, it's a good thing on many levels but it hurts to watch him hurt. He cried great big sobs as we walked out. Nick carried him and Pink and I carried his things. He watched that home get further and further away as we walked to the MTR and it hurt my heart to watch him cry. I know it means a lot of good things from a developmental stand point – he can form healthy attachments, he understood that he wasn't coming back for a long time, he has started to bond with us and hung on to Nick for dear life – but wow was it hard to watch. I was so grateful for Pink being there and helping to reassure Manny that all would be well.

Pink came with us to the hotel and up to our room to show Manny some of the things we got for him and rest for a bit before lunch. We then went to one of the restaurants in the hotel to have lunch. By then, Manny was back to the silly boy we knew. He got to try a marshmallow dipped into the chocolate fountain. What a treat!

After lunch, Pink left. Manny was a little sad but we reminded him we'd see her tomorrow and then we distracted him by showing him where the pool was. He was scared at first but then he reached out and stuck his fingers in it. I think we will be back when the weather clears up and try our hand at swimming for real. We went back to the room but housekeeping swung by so we went to the eClub instead. We had a drink and looked at pictures for a while and then came back to the room.

We are now just hanging out and looking at all the pictures Pink took of us this past week. She got some really good ones and a couple videos of Manny singing with his choir from yesterday. When Manny saw it, he started singing along.  Now the boys are watching Tom and Jerry or dancing to Asian MTV while I finish typing this and uploading pictures. LOL It is so blessedly normal to just hang out now. We're still working through the language barrier but it is getting easier. Thank you God!!!! Now I just want to get on the plane and come home. :)

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